Trafalgar Square, London

5 Conversations

A large roundabout near the centre of London populated by pigeons, tourists, pigeon poo and sometimes combinations of all three. In the middle is a monument to Nelson, a glorious leader of soldiers who once single-handedly swash-buckled his way through a ship, slaughtering many enemy sailors, just to get to his own ship which was on the other side. He died some time after this, hence the statue.

Trafalgar square looks best in the spring when it is at once backed by heavy dark storm clouds and floodlit by bright sunshine. When it does this, sit outside the Sherlock Holmes pub down the road with a beer (although you may have to crane your neck to get the full effect).

You can fit all the gold in the world into Trafalgar square, but it is not advisable due to the pigeons.

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