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Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing.

Thanks for all the joy they're bringing.

This is my 'Thank you' to my friend who spent many hours helping me to get back the music1 I had lost after my PC crashed the other week, resulting in a total loss of my music files and most other data. In fact, as usual, my hootoo friends have been helpful with suggestions and sympathy they posted in my journal.

It was somewhat of a surprise that my family was very helpful and quick in setting up a new system on a new hard drive. Son #1 let me use his PC, as did son #2, and he was the one who was most helpful. He went to the shop with me to purchase a new hard drive (making sure I got the right one), then installed the operating system, booting from his PC because mine wouldn't accept the CD, then inserting the hard drive into my PC. Unfortunately, this resulted in a loud bang - some condensator or whatever exploded when he switched my PC on. It was very frustrating, but fortunately, my husband was able to fix it all. Reading post #5 in the
"Dating a Geek" essay
this morning made me think: hmmm, I'm one of these women who can't fix their own PC. Seems I'm lucky I'm married to a geek...

Meanwhile in hootoo land, the London autumn meet has come and gone. Sadly, it only had very few participants this time, but those who were there enjoyed themselves very much, according to the various journals and photographic evidence that popped up afterwards.

On Tuesday, 23 October, hootoo was down for nearly 12 hours. According to the Announcement, this was due to network issues across data centres in Docklands. I don't know what you did during this time, but I was lucky. I spent a very pleasant afternoon and early evening talking to above-mentioned friend; so for once, I didn't actually miss hootoo that much. I'm very happy that hootoo was back the next day, though, because these exclusive chats are very few and far in between our regular chats here on hootoo; plus, h2g2 has so much more to offer than talking to friends. Take the h2g2 Post, for example. Being involved in the editorial progress is great fun and very interesting. Now I'm not asking you to volunteer for one of the volunteer schemes (although I do recommend it, as it's really rewarding). But you can get involved in many ways: by writing for the Edited Guide, or for the h2g2 Post, or, if writing is not your thing, by getting your (digital) camera out and making photos for edited guide entries and sending them to the h2g2 Photographers. You can even make a video clip and submit it to the AViators. To see some marvellous results of creativity, go to the AViators YouTube site.

Failing all that, there's still the Entry Of The Month. Nominations for September have been closed, but don't miss to Vote now. Come on, get active, h2g2 needs your input!

Random Ramblings


01.11.07 Front Page

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1Funny coincidence, this: downloading music was last week's Talking Point.

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