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A Pilot Project:

To set-up and deploy a pilot scheme to connect up to 20 rural towns and villages in the Inhambane Region of Mozambique by means of 2 Mobile Communication Centres operating out of a Hub in Inhambane. A test sample of 10 schools will also be selected to host the mobile units on their visits and discussions are currently taking place with the Education Authories in Mozambique to facilitate this.

Other locations also being considered are Botswana, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa and Ghana.

The ultimate objective of the pilot is to prove that a tapering subsidy and the efficient use of smart subsidies will support sustained connectivity in rural areas. Ongoing viability will be ensured by exploiting the development of new ICT functionality and balancing continually falling technology/hardware/software costs with increasing commercial use of the services provided.


The pilot is expected to take 6 months from the moment a satellite service is procured and the ground station(s) established. A further 3 months has been allowed for preparation beforehand and analysis afterwards.

Once proven, the concept can then be rolled out Nationally and then Internationally across all other receptive countries in Africa and elsewhere.


The pilot project is expected to cost in excess of US$100 000 for the full 6 months with all satellite resource, hardware, software, and equipment currently being procured.

Connect Africa will be established as a non-profit organisation and the pilot project will be managed by Connect Africa established as a "Company Limited by Guarantee".

Development finance and/or grants are being sought to finance this pilot and a business plan detailing the project along with a cost breakdown is available on request.

If you are interested in financially supporting this initiative or know someone who might be, please do email us at [email protected])

Generating exposure:

BBC World is being approached to provide an introduction to Connect Africa for their "Hands On" series to be broadcast on "Earth Report".

A TV production company that has experience in this field and strong links with the BBC has also been retained to produce a half hour documentary on the Pilot Project.

An extraordinary level of support has also been offered by individuals who have come to hear about Connect Africa and, in the true spirit of the Internet, this support will be used to virally spread the message Globally. This is a project where individuals can get involved and we will be exploring all ways to garner and nurture this support.

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