What's In A [Cyborg] Name?

5 Conversations

'For this one, I decided that there would be no extract from my


But, then again...'

Extract from Loup d'Argent's (unpublished) Memoirs.

The Generator

This is where your name or username is seen as an acronym and generated into a cyborg's


All you need to do is type a name, choose one of the avatars, submit and... Loup is your uncle.

Oh and click first on this link, of


My Cyborg Generated Name

For that one I chose the governor2k3 avatar and typed my name in one go (no space) and,

out of 'loupdargent' got the so wonderfully fitting 'Lifeform Optimized for

Ultimate Peacekeeping and Destruction/Artificial Replicant

Generated for Exploration and Nocturnal Troubleshooting'.

(I'll insist, of course, on the 'Optimized for Ultimate Peacekeeping' part of my cyborg

name and conveniently ignore the 'and Destruction' one...)

Others' Cyborg Names

I thought it would be a great idea to have a go at other people's names and see how they'd look

in their new cyborg-like form...

To stay constant in this err kind of interesting experiment, I kept with the 'name in one

' principle and only chose the 'yamasora' avatar and the 'governor2k3' one

respectively for the female and male subjects.

For example, if we looked at a cyborg-like Post Team we would get:

    ShazzPRME: Synthetic Humanoid Assembled for

    Zealous Zoology/Person Responsible for Mathematics and


    Greebo T Cat: General Robotic Efficient Exploration

    Being/Organism Trained for Calculation and Accurate


    Awix: Artificial Worker Intended for Xenocide.

    (Oops... This might be a good time to remind everyone that this is only a game and the results

    should not be taken too seriously.)

    Wotchit: Wireless Obedient Technician Calibrated for

    Hazardous Infiltration and Troubleshooting.

In the good old Hootoo tradition, the current h2g2 Italics got the Cyborg treatment too and the

results are as follow:

    Natalie: Networked Artificial Technician Assembled

    for Logical Infiltration and Exploration.

    Jim Lynn: Journeying Intelligent Machine Limited to

    Yelling and Nocturnal Nullification.

    Jimster: Journeying Intelligent Machine Skilled in

    Troubleshooting and Efficient Repair.

    Paully: Positronic Artificial Unit Limited to Logical


After that, I decided to look into a far less dangerous area and to throw a few political names

into the virtual hat...

    Tony Blair: Technician Optimized for Nocturnal

    Yelling and Battle/Lifeform Assembled for Infiltration and


    George W Bush: General Entity Optimized for Repair and

    Gratification/Electronic Wireless Battle and Ultimate

    Sabotage Humanoid.

I even tried Jacques Chirac but was told that names with more than eleven letters

were not accepted... Doh!

Let Us Know Your Findings

You know what to do, so why not have a go at some names, or even your own username, as well and

then come back to tell us your results?

(No cheating though... I will check each one of them.)

Oh and have fun while doing it...

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