What the ....... ?

1 Conversation

... oof! ..... ghu! ..... oof! ..... doh! ..... wht! ..... dur! ..... oof! ..... gah!

Oh my ..... gah! ..... dur! ..... wht! ..... oof! ..... ur! ..... oof! ..... bah!

God! ..... oof! ..... doh! ..... gah! ..... oof! ..... dur! ..... wht! ..... doh!

What the .... ow! ..... ur! ..... oof! ..... bah! ..... doh! ..... ah! ..... ghu!

Hell is gah ..... gah ..... going ..... oof ..... oo ..... on!?


Oh! Oh! It's stopped! Oh, I feel terrible. My ..... oh, what is it? My head? Is it my head? Damn it! Everything hurts. But I can't feel my .... which bit's which? My whole body feels like .... my head .... or I can only feel my head! Oh, good grief! What's happened to me?

I must have been assaulted! They must have been kicking me or something. I've gone blind! I can't feel my limbs! Where the hell am I? Wait a minute! Who the hell am I? Oh God! I can't remember anything. I can't move. I can't feel my limbs. Am I awake? Am I dying?

I feel as though I'm awake. It doesn't feel as though I'm dying. Can't die of pain and confusion, can you?

oof! ..... doh! ..... wht! ..... ur! ..... oof! ..... bah! ..... ghu!

dur! ..... oof! ..... gah! ..... oof! ..... doh! ..... gah! ..... oof! ..... dur!

doh! ..... gah! ..... oof! ..... dur! ..... wht! ..... ur! ..... oof! ..... bah!


PLEASE! Leave me alone, you bastards! What the hell are they doing to me? Why are they doing this to me? God! I must really have pee'd someone off!

I wonder if someone will rescue me before these maniacs kill me. This is terrible. I can't feel my mouth or my stomach, but I still feel sick! This is just horrible! I don't know what I could've done to deserve this. Whoa! Now what's happening? On the move, I think. Maybe someone's found me and they're taking me to a hospital. Oh, please god - I hope so!


Agghhhhh ....... No-o-o-o-o-OOH!

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