'H2IQ' Revisited - 3

1 Conversation

'H2IQ' Revisited

You need a mind as slippery as an Eel, and a talent for seeing things from a different angle to understand H2IQ. A popular h2g2 quiz for several years, H2IQ
returns to once again tease and frustrate with questions and problems for you to solve. Each week I will repeat a question once used in the 'infamous' H2IQ quiz and all you have to do is answer it in the 'H2IQ Revisited' conversation below. All those who give vaguely the correct answer will have their name printed in next weeks column.
Now for this weeks question...

What is the next number in the series and why?

100, 121, 144, 202, 244, 400, ?

smiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - donutsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - cat

Last Weeks H2IQ Revisited Answer

Q. Recently, Snow White's seven dwarfs met up with me and two friends and we all went to the cinema to see Harry Potter. From the clues below, can you determine the order in which we all stood in the ticket queue?

Grumpy was in front of Dopey. Stumpy was behind Sneezy and Doc. Doc was in front of Droopy and Happy. Sleepy was behind Stumpy, Greebo and Happy. Happy was in front of Sleepy, Greebo and Bashful. Bashful was behind Greebo, Droopy and Sleepy. Sneezy was in front of Dopey. Greebo was in front of Grumpy, Stumpy and Sneezy. Dopey was in front of Droopy. Sleepy was in front of Grumpy and Bashful. Dopey was behind Sneezy, Doc and Sleepy. Stumpy was in front of Dopey. Greebo was behind Doc.

A. Doc, Happy, Greebo, Sneezy, Stumpy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Dopey, Droopy, Bashful.

Those with the correct answer or at least agreed with the correct answer -


In agreement but also reminding me that my friend Droopy is a bit of a dog was -
Ripper, the Almost

Also in agreement was -

Those with the a different answer but still deserve a mention -

The person who thought queuing would be pointless because of cultural differences1 was -
St Demon Drawer

The person who thought they were all standing in a circle, so that everybody is both behind and in front of everyone else was -
Lucky Star

The person who managed to get a large collective of dwarves mad enough to throw him in a river was -

The person who became spatially challanged was -
Master B

The person who thought the dwarves went off to see LOTR and left our three heroes in the queue was -

The person who can exclusively reveal that they all came out from watching the film feeling happy was -

The person who agreed with someone else even though they had the answer wrong was -

The person who arrived half-way through the film was -
Danny B.

smiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - donutsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - catsmiley - cat

...And Finally...

Here's a curious fact for you...

The buttons on a man's jacket cuff were originally intended to stop manservants from wiping their noses on the sleeves of their uniforms.

I suppose the toffs thought it better just let them drip dry...

The 'H2IQ' Revisited Archive

Greebo T. Cat

02.09.04 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1The dwarves will either have to hi-ho off to work and Greebo stop at the smiley - donut concession. Or the dwarves will be turned away for attempting to bring an animal (non-guide dog) into the cinema.

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