The h2g2 Tour - Your Personal Space

4 Conversations

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Your Personal Space is the nerve centre of your activity on h2g2, and you get your own Space as soon as you register as an h2g2 Researcher. It's the place where you can tell the world as much about yourself as you want to, it's where you can keep track of your h2g2 Conversations, and where you can keep a Journal (blog).

Your Personal Space has a number of really useful sections:

  • Your Introduction: This is where you can tell the world all about yourself, and where you can talk to visitors to your Personal Space.

  • Your Journal: You can keep a daily Journal or blog that other Researchers can discuss with you.

  • Your Conversations: This section displays details of any Postings you make to h2g2 Conversations, so you can keep track of all the Conversations you're involved in from all over h2g2.

  • Your Guide Entries: Whenever you write a Guide Entry, details of it are kept in your Personal Space so you'll always be able to go back and edit what you've contributed to the Guide.

Your Personal Space is much more than a normal home page - it's an essential tool for getting the most out of the Guide.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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