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Far Horizons

Edited by Robert Silverberg

Far Horizons is one of those must have anthologies. Robert Silverberg (like most Science Fiction fans) had the belief that many authors who have set up their own universes might have something more to add to them. He approached some of the most successful and prolific authors of the Science Fiction genre and asked if they had anything they might want to add to their universes. Luckily for us, some of them did.

Silverberg's anthology allows us to journey back to characters and stories that we haven't visited in years. Far Horizons also allows the reader the chance to expand their author list by giving glimpses into some of the most popular universes of all time. Personally I have expanded my author list, and thus my current reading list, significantly because of this book.

One of the great offerings of Far Horizons is that each story has a brief description of the author's universe and what they were trying to do with it. Also, you are given an up to date list, in the proper order, of all the books in the universe.

This is a fantastic book, a quick read, and an enjoyable journey to both known and unknown universes. A chance to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. My only warning would be to have some money in pocket, because your first impulse will be to go out and buy something from each author to start the new adventures.

The following are the authors and their universes that the stories come from:

  • David Brin - The Uplift Universe
  • Orson Scott Card - Ender
  • Joe Haldeman - The Forever War
  • Ursula K. LeGuin - The Ekumen
  • Anne McCaffrey - The Ship Who Sang
  • Greg Bear - The Way
  • Gregory Benford - The Galactic Center
  • Nancy Kress - The Sleepless
  • Frederik Pohl - The Heechee
  • Robert Silverberg - Roma Eterna
  • Dan Simmons - The Hyperion Cantos


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