The h2g2 Poem

1 Conversation

Yes, Darling!

Yes, darling, I know its cold,

But central heating is 4000 years away.

The extra blanket is not warm enough!!

Is it my fault glass has not been invented?

Shut the door! I would if you told me what a door is.

Don't talk to me about draft, you wanted a bigger cave!

Put another log on the fire!!

By the time I cut down a tree, it will be summer. 'What's a fire anyway?'

Whose never clean shaven, we've only got three pieces of flint.

NEVER any food in the house!!

You've still got a leg of your mother left.

Talk about nag, nag, nag.

I hope your species die out,

then I can go down the pub, with the lads...

If there is such a thing.

Look! It's late. You don't know what your talking about.

Turn the light off and go back to sleep.

smiley - cracker smiley - cracker smiley - cracker 

Poetry by Prof Animal Chaos

Prof Animal Chaos

16.12.04 Front Page

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original artwork by Blue Bird

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