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We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when,

But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.

Keep smiling through, just like you always do,

'Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away.

Well, unfortunately, it could be about a year until I'll meet my friends again, cause it's only about two weeks since I last did. Those who read my column now and then will know that I went to the h2g2 London Spring Meet, as did many Researchers. I'm suffering a bit from a post-meet-blues, the memories are so bright and fresh, and being so far away, with no possibility of just hopping on a plane and going back when I feel like it, is hard. If you haven't been there but would like to find out more, go and read the most excellent Meet Reports by Galaxy Babe and Gnomon.
The Post Team was represented by lil, Titania and myself, and I think you can see on the photo above that we had a great time.

However, while we all had a terrific and unforgettable time in London, hootoo didn't sleep. Many submissions for the various competitions winged their way to the Post email account, as well as many others: Regulars (old, new and returnees), Features, Cartoons - this was/is a very busy issue, and lil and I were glad we had a week to recover from the meet before we got back to our Post editing duties.

However, being so busy on an otherwise very quiet bank holiday weekend helped me somewhat to 'get back to earth'. There's something else I realised, and I think it needs mentioning once again: I spent quite some time editing the submissions by our regulars, lil spent a good amount of time doing the poetry and fiction articles, and Mina couldn't complain about a lack of features, either. And Skankyrich? His main work starts once we've all handed our edited copies in. It amazes me to think that EMR did all this, plus the Front Page and the Editorial on her own for a time last year, while Skankyrich was frolicking in the summer camps he leads. I haven't the faintest idea just how that girl managed it, but she did, and all of us owe her big time, cause she kept our wonderful h2g2 Post going, and very well at that!

And now to something completely different: in case you wondered that the AViators and the Beeblecast seem to have gone quiet: there are several projects 'in the making', but 2legs, our 'sound engineer' has been of very poor health lately. Let's hope he'll recover soon - not just for the projects, but because he's a great guy and fun to be with1.

Meanwhile elsewhere on hootoo plans are afoot for the next meet in Hull. Last year, several Researchers (many of whom can't go to London meets) decided there was no reason why they shouldn't organise a meet locally, which they did. Despite most of England in general, and Hull in particular being flooded, they had a great time. In fact, it was such a success, that interest to go there has increased, and many more Researchers have signed up to go this year. The date is 12/13 July. For more information read Moonhogg's Hull Meet 2008 journal, or have a look at the Hull Meet Page.
Maybe this is closer to where you live, so don't miss it!

Random Ramblings


08.05.08 Front Page

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1As you would know if you had attended an h2g2 London Meet.

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