Soggy Towel Meet

6 Conversations

Where and When

Portland, Oregon, March 5th and 12th1.

Wait... 5th AND 12th?

Yes, you read right--the opportunity to meet other h2g2ers in the Pacific Northwest does cover two Saturdays, due to how the plan for the meet came about.

It all started with an amazingly cheap after-holiday airfare sale...

I'd been wanting to go up to Salem to visit my grandma, aunt, and cousin for quite some time. Since my husband can't afford to take off enough time to have a decent-lengthed visit, and both Amtrak and Greyhound take longer than driving2, I was looking into flying into Portland and getting down to Salem, as Salem doesn't have a commercial airport, and Grandma doesn't drive any more. I stumbled across a very very good deal for the airfare, and since there's a shutle that goes from the airport to Salem, I scheduled my flight around the shuttle schedule. Then I saw GTBacchus on the 'Who's Online' list, remembered that he'd been in Portland the last I'd heard, and dropped by to ask if he still was. Since he was and is, we started talking about meeting up. After we were talking for awhile about it, I came across a comment in a thread that led me to another Portlandian3 and I asked if she would also be interested in meeting some h2g2ers.

To make a long story short4 we decided to see if there was anyone else interested in turning what began as a way to use some extra waiting time into a real meet!


Since this meet revolves around airplanes and busses, there are some set times to work with5.

Saturday March 5th

  • Alaska Airlines flight 24926 arrives in Portland at 2:57 pm
  • Greyhound leaves for Salem at 6:45 pm (so should get to the station 30 minutes before to check luggage)

Saturday March 12th

  • Arriving in Portland at 1 pm on the Greyhound from Salem
  • Need to be at the airport at 3:20 pm for the 5:20 flight

What to do

We've got some possibilities already, but feel free to make a suggestion. Just keep in mind that there will be a 20-month-old present, so we can't just go into a bar. Probably closer to the time, we can decide what to do on which Saturday. And GT has offered his services as tour guide.


  • Rheinlander--I remember that the swiss cheese fondue is very good...
  • CM2
  • OMSI7
  • Saturday Market--...'also if the weather is nice we are right at the water front and could have a lovely walk along the seawall.. It is one would fall in The wall is higher than my waist....[am I showing my age..??] and if there is time there is a wonderfull water changes shape and sounds so nice...'
  • Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center8--'[W]ithin a few blocks of the bus depot is a nice great old rustic building....with a nice gather...has a pizza spot, and in the building is also a coffee bar...also near the depot , I just remembered there is a neat little park..if it is a nice day....It is very safe there as this is a very high class place called the Pearl District...the park is bran new, no big tree or bushes'

It certainly helps to have a native-local-type person (plus an enthusiastic newly-local-type person) to scout around for us! Thanks, gingersnapper and GTBacchussmiley - smooch

The 'Plan'

March 5th

GT and gingersnapper will be meeting Faith and I at the airport when we arrive, and then heading towards Greyhound. Haven't decided yet if I'll be storing our luggage there, or keeping it in GT's van9. We will be at the Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center by 4. We may or may not move on to Wilf's at 5 (which is when they open on a Saturday10). Around 6, Faith and I will need to go to the Greyhound station to head south, so whatever the rest of you decide to do, it's fine with mesmiley - winkeye

March 12th

GT and gingersnapper will meet us at the Greyhound station at 1. They will be taking us to the airport at 3:20. There are no plans for in between yet. We can either decide on the 5th before I catch the bus, or else I can be surprised...

So who's going to be there? And how can I sign up?

Please sign up here, and if you can, put which day (5th or 12th) you can join ussmiley - ok

And if you're coming from out of town, GTBacchus11 has offered floor space for the nightsmiley - ok



Paper Attendees13

1And now you know why the towel would be soggysmiley - winkeye2I have a toddler. Need I point out disadvantages to over 14 hours of confinement? Granted, she could run around on the train, but if we had that kind of money, Tom would be able to take a week off work instead... Plus I never got around to getting a license! And even if I had, we've only the 1 car...3Portlandite? Portlander?4Too late? Oops...smiley - tongueout5Of course, if anyone wants to hang out a bit longer than the transportation requirements allow, that's perfectly fine too! I just won't get to join in, so please try to time arrivals so that I can meet you.6Just in case anyone wants to meet the flight and doesn't get around to asking me for the itinerary...7Though CM2 is more likely--CM2 has a toddler room8Or maybe this link would be better, as it lists the tenants of the building9Probably won't decide until en route!10Doobry11Email address is on his space.12Not on paper this time!13Going to both, of coursesmiley - winkeye

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