Another man's wife, in an effusive mood...

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Another man's wife, in an effusive mood...

can be an amazing opportunity. For public, um proximity.

Some people never seem to progress beyond a certain age, mentally,

no matter what kind of experiences they have or how knowledgeable

they become.

They become stuck.

Encountering a woman of fifty or so, with four children,

who giggles and hangs on you like a six year old, can

be an odd or a refreshing experience.

Watching her husband out of the corner of your eye

and finding that he is glad that it is happening

to someone besides himself is a truly ambiguous feeling.

Some of these gals are really attractive and some are even

unnervingly stimulating. I wonder if that's what they have in mind.

Hmm. I don't know what my thoughts should be about someone else's wife

getting a quick feel off me. I certainly don't think or feel

that her intensity suggests open season for me, though.

Despite the temptation that occasionally surfaces.

One has to have some standards for their behavior.

Even in the presence of silly people.

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