The Story of Gallina - (UG)

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Once Gallina the chicken was hopping around the chicken coop on one foot all the way down to the scraggly corn field where she pecked at the parched corn leftover from the harvest amid the scraggly beanstalks and scraggly pumpkin vines. Then she hopped all the way back on one foot.

Now the fox, who had been watching all this in wonder, couldn't figure out none of it so finally he asked Gallina, "Why are you hopping around on one foot?"

And Gallina replied, "Because I'm saving the other one for tomorrow when this one is too sore to hop on."

So the fox said, "That's very silly, Gallina. No wonder I can eat you up. You're so stupid."

But by this time Gallina was safely inside the chicken coop and declared in triumph, "Yes, I'm very stupid but I'm safe now from you for the night in the coop where the big dog rests by the door. And you, clever person that you are, will have to go hungry tonight because you wonder too much about the stupidity of others."

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