For the Survivors

2 Conversations

Come to the party


Smoke spirals up from barbecue.

Let friendly revelries commence.

Will you come to the party?

For the nicest things might happen at parties,

Mightn't they, my dear?

And in the evening,

The contents of your glass

Will make your words wise

Beyond your years.


A thousand stars provide a little light.

The earth is soft and cool to touch.

Come to the party?

For the greatest things can happen at parties,

Can't they, my dear?

And in the night,

When reason takes a break,

Your heart can seek escape

Beyond your fears.


Sunlight fighting with curtains.

Daylight helps you real eyes.

Did you come to the party?

For the wildest things happen at parties,

Don't they, my dear?

And in the morning,

When your mouth is parched and grimed

Like a railway tunnel,

And in the morning,

When your heart is spinning

Like a broken record,

And in the morning,

When last night's promises have burst

Like the party balloons ...

And in the morning,

When you make believe in love,

Like you believed in love before,

Beyond your tears.


Distance is the fence, you are here, home is there.

It's for you to decide if you stay or you run.

You can go back to home, or stay here as you wish,

But which side of the fence are the prisoners on?

If you want to go home, guards will open the door.

They will smile as you walk past - each one,

And you go through the door, and it slams shut behind you,

Which side of the door did you want to be on?

If you want to be safe, you can find a safe haven,

A safe house, a safe life, though not so much fun.

As you go through the years, and they slam shut behind you,

Which side of the street did you want to live on?

If you want to choose love, you must open your heart,

You must opt for those spaces where two become one.

When it's time to decide, you must know what you'll answer:

Which side of the door do you want to be on?

Life is not what it seems when you have but one viewpoint.

Look in the mirror - look hard and look long.

Were you free 'ere you came here? Or did you just think so?

Which side of the fence are the prisoners on?

If you dare to risk all, you might gain all - or nothing,

But no-one can take from you what you have won.

If you choose not to risk it - live long, never knowing

Which side of the door you did want to live on.

Empty Arms

What did you bring here?

I brought my luggage, all my clothes,

So I can dress for each occasion.

I also brought my bag of wealth,

My credit card, my rank, my station.

My hands were full.

What did you bring?

Only what you see.

My hands are empty.

What do you seek here?

I have a brief; I have a plan.

I seek what I am told to find.

I seek another bag of wealth,

And add the totals in my mind.

I seek security.

What do you seek?

Only what is freely offered.

I seek ... love.

What do you offer?

Bargains, deals and promises,

With ten percent in it for me.

A house? A car? A holiday?

I offer everything you see.

It has its price ...

What can you offer?

Only what you see.

I have no price.

What will you take from here?

I'll leave my clothes - for charity.

The luggage I will pack with gains,

And twice as many bags of wealth.

I'll take them home; I'll have no pains.

My arms will be full.

What will you take?

Only what is freely given.

My arms are empty,

Free - to carry my lover,

If my lover wishes to come.

Where will you go?

I will go wherever love bids me.

Where will you go from here?

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