Corporate Culture in Verse

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When you can lose your head as all about you

Are keeping theirs and not asking you what to do

When you can love yourself, while others hate you

And yet make a list of their names for later too

When you can talk for hours and not be tired by talking

Or listened to, don’t listen in return

And look supercilious and smug when walking

And go on management courses, but never, ever, learn.

When greed, ego and power are your masters

When you make not a single thought your aim

When you can meet your triumphs and other’s disasters

And treat those two successes just the same

When you can take the solutions others have spoken

And present them at meetings and take the acclaim

And when pressed give credit to others, but only token

But make sure in failure, others take the blame

When you can go to a high powered meeting

And say all the right things to your boss

And watch in silence as a friend takes a verbal beating

And don’t defend them, or don’t even give a toss

When you can order everyone around you

To follow your ideas even when your wrong

And in failure, claim calmly to your boss on cue;

"I told them it wouldn’t work all along!"

When your next promotion takes up all your thinking

When quests for truth and rigour aren’t worth the hunt

When you can walk up to a colleague without blinking

And smiling, stab them in the front.

When you can fill a ten hour working day

With thirty minutes worth of work actually done

You’ll be given a big increase in your pay

And -which is more- you’ll have a department to run!

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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