Getting a hammock up to speed

2 Conversations

I suppose we all have certain hammock-moments (you know; lying down whilst the hammock pendulums in the exact right speed, listening to that right piece of music, reading that particularily interesting book, knowing that 4 full weeks remain of your summer vacation).


Sturdy 2x1 meter piece of canvas attached by means of wire to solid object on each end for the purpose of relaxation by owner.

I've been investigating various means of inducing speed to the hammock while operating it - making sure not to cheat by using a third object to attain speed.

Suggested method

If you are lying straight in the hammock, be sure to rise your right knee so that your heel is touching, or at least nearly touching your right buttock. Keep your left leg straight.

1. Move your right knee quickly to your right in such a manner that your leg now forms a triangle extending horisontally from your body. Doing so will cause the hammock to move left, ever so slightly. You are now in motion.

2. As soon as the leftward motion reaches its peak, be sure to move your right knee to the left-most position, keeping your heel as close as possible to the corresponding buttock. You have probably already guessed that this will propel you in the right direction. As before, when the motion reaches its peak, be sure to move your knee back to its position described under (1).

3. Repeat as necessary.

4. You are advised to remove your heel from the buttock when you have reached speed of choice. Doing so will prolong your period before having to re-acquire speed, as your knee will - unattended - flop about, countering the movement you have induced. This will certainly brake your speed, which you probably do not want.

The method above may be applied without it incurring any fee to author. Good luck.

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