Campaign For A Chocmuffin Smiley

4 Conversations


This is a campaign for all those who feel that chocmuffins have been overlooked by the h2g2 artists. After all, when such a cake is common in the diet of students (of which I'm sure there are many on h2g2) and just, well, people who like chocolate of course, why has it been left out?

It would be so much easier to be able to write 'chocmuffin' and for a chocmuffin to appear, rather than smiley - choc and then smiley - cupcake.

After all, it can get quite confusing. what if you mean smiley - chocandsmiley - cupcake?

Anyway, if YOU think there should be a chocmuffin smiley please sign here. smiley - biggrinMembers who have signed up so far1. Kaz2. Not Panicing Yet3. TheLostPixieReturns4. Elly et. al5. Megachedda6. Aximili7. Josh_Master_of_the_Staff_Magic Head of The Video-Gamers of H2G2 8. Stunningfrenchie

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