NeckTie Survival

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Wearing a Necktie (I.E. Tie) is an act reserved for the appearance of formality. Bearing that in mind, most find that the occasion to wear a tie is a painful experience. That leaves a small minority that actually enjoy wearing ties, and of course we all know that sadists exist and live among us.

The important thing with wearing a tie is to be aware of its location. It should be tied about the neck, with one end hanging freely, and not stuck in a papershredder, tied to a light fixture, or stuck in the closed door of a moving car. Few things hurt worse than being strangled unexpectantly.

Awareness is key.

After awareness comes basic necktie prevention and maintance. Here is a list of common things to think about when maintaining your tie.

-Always take the knot out of your ties. Not only does it help maintain the tie, but makes it easier to remove.

-Remove your tie by reversing the tying procedure. Pulling the smaller end through the knot causes the tie to stretch out of shape.

-Hang ties -- it helps ease out the wrinkles. This does not work on old humans however. Some knit ties which may stretch can be gently rolled and stored in a drawer.

-Do not attempt to rub away stains. It can cause fabric abrasion and color loss. Only blot spotted area.

-Hang ties on a rack designed for storage. Ties slip and twist on hangers, eventually falling off and getting lost in your closet.

-Cut loose threads. Pulling it can cause permanent damage. This can be thought of as the hair cut rule. "Its better to cut your hair, than pull it."

-Remember, Blot stains, don't rub.

-Avoid choking your tie knot. That means don't wad it up. It twists the lining and it won't hold its form.

-Before applying any water, test ties in an inconspicuous area. Some dyes may bleed and someone bleeding may die.

-Steam ties, do not iron. Ironing flattens the body and can cause the material to shine.

-Colognes damage the color of ties.

-Again, remember to blot, not rub.

-Wear ties alternately. Ties spring back when "rested" between wearings, as do most humans after resting.

Now that you have the basic knowledge necessary for Necktie ownership, GO OUT and WEAR A TIE!

Or just look for more 4-leaf clover in your backyard. Its all the same in the end.

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