Insanity, the definitive definition

1 Conversation

There are various definitions of insanity; here are just a few examples of a condition that blights the entire universe...

-A recurring sound that by its frequency allows you just enough time to forget about it before it happens again. The same for hiccups. See 'annoying noises'.

-The US voting system

-The ability to answer every question successfully on 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' and yet for reasons unknown keep referring to yourself as Bob. Unless you're called Bob, in which case the reasons are obvious and you can claim your million in comfort without an argument with Chris Tarrant sprouting up over your identity (Chris Tarrant is the British host of the show, and incidentally he doesn't call himself Bob).

-When you wake up with a hangover, in the arms of a spray-painted ewe, gibbering inanely to yourself upon the price of modern meat substitutes, trying not to acknowledge that you did not go drinking the night before.

-People who don't finish sentenc

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