St. Charles Parish

2 Conversations

It is a well-known fact that St. Charles Parish (in Louisiana, for those of you who don't know, which is most people, probably) is an excrutiatingly boring place to live. By the way, for you foreigners, a parish is like a county.

It is not exactly "Hickville," but one would be justified in saying that not much goes on there. Store openings are big social gatherings, seriously.

The population is about 48,000, that's right, 48,000, the entire parish.

The main form of entertainment, other than cow-tipping, is driving around or, preferably, going to "the city" aka New Orleans.

A lot more happens there.

In general, St. Charles Parish is quite safe, the "projects" consist of lower-middle class housing.

This parish is so incredibly small popualtion-wise, people only give their last 4 digits of their phone number because almost everyone has the same exchange.

We have NO movie theaters on the west bank, there are about one or two real movie rental places.

We do, however, have about one fast-food restaurant or gas station every one or two blocks.

St. Charles Parish has NO CITIES/TOWNS/ETC. The entire parish is one big "township" thing. The "city" names (Boutte, Luling, Destrehan, are basically just ways to identify regions with greater ease.

St. Charles Parish has got to have more factories and chemical plants in one square mile than most entire states.

Many people outside of the parish have no idea that it actually exists.

As one can quickly gather by the riveting nature of this entry, not only is St. Charles Parish mind-bogglingly boring (to borrow a phrase from Douglas Adams), I am very new at this. However, the nature of the Guide permits, if not encourages, such inexperienced writing, especially during lunch breaks 8^).

Anyway, that's just about it.

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