Student fridges

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Now living in halls of residence can be a hazardous life style. The chances of catching a rather nasty disease is quite high due to the hygeine habits of the students you will be living with.

These wonderous inventions that maintain the freshness of food for prolonged periods of time are a major target for the student subspecies. The joy of experimenting with the effectiveness of the cooling systems is well documented in the annals of medical establishments, under FOOD POISONING.

The preferred method of testing these systems is through the correct positioning of 1 pint cartons of milk. If placed correctly the container will be safe from detection for at least one calender month after which the experiment should be approaching its final stages. The liquid now in the carton nolonger resembles the original contents apart from a few rogue particles that may still be white in colour.

The colourless liquid now in the carton only contains a few of the afore mentioned rogue particles and a large quantity of unidentified green goo. This liquid is the fore runner in attacking other food products within the fridge and hence leads to the infection of fellow students with a nasty illness.

The conclusion of the experiment arrives with the final detection of the offending container. This occurs through the deep aromatic smell released by the now clear liquid. One enters the kitchen containing the offending fridge after an attack on the nasal passages in the hallway. Moving quickly, whilst holding ones breath, the container must be quickly removed from the fridge and carried with extreme caution, preferrably whilst wearing reinforced rubber gloves, to the wheelie bin to the rear of the building.

The decontamination of the fridge now comences, this involves hot water, cream cleaner and a green meanie. The contents of the fridge must also be disposed of in a black bin bag and removed, again with caution, to the wheelie bin. Now scrub the fridge with vigour and then move and clean the floor beneath, usually contaminated through leakage.

Continue to wear the rubber gloves throughout and then dispose of all cleaning products and gloves in the same wheelie bin.

The fridge should now be safe for the commencement of another experiment.

CAUTION: Instances of multiple experimentation has been found in the past, therefore approach fridge with caution and never expose uncovered skin to the contents until decontamination is complete.

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