Blunted (UG)

2 Conversations

Official UnderGuide Entry
I journeyed with others on a bus today

paid a sufficient price

and sat in a prime seat towards the front

to my left, a large picture window
the coping people are all here

comfortably unconscious and uncomplicated

carrying their empty shopping bags

their shopping lists and bus tickets

tucked safely in an easy to get to pocket
mostly they are ladies

of a certain age who now

know enough to get along

the exact time the bus should depart

the cost of the fare to the nearest penny

how to be careful
they've perfected the art of hiding

a need or two

they know to devise

a straightforward route

that demands no elbow room

keeps others away

and still we call this living
And look here I am too, blunted

learning all I can from these people

swimming the same slow stroke

keeping control

fighting the suction.

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