Escape Pod Dreams - 110

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Escape Pod Dreams: The Disaster Issue

The New New blob

It's all relative.

Yeah, right. PLEH!

As I have said before, time was that death and destruction was cause for wondering what thou hadst done to offend the god(s). Nowadays, it's cause for wondering why someone else didn't do their job while you widened your arse in front of the telly.

Helplessness in the face of nature is a symptom of civilisation and consumerism. If you can't buy protection, then you are poop out of luck until the PTB get off their arses and provide you with protection, usually a decade late and 2 billion dollars short of the minimum required according to law when it applies to everyone else.

In the past, it has been postulated by people who know what that word truly means that major disasters led to major shifts in population and cultural direction, in some cases even producing a step up (or over) to the next rung of the evolution of civilisation as we think we know it.

Recent events, including those that have happened since Krakatoa strongly suggest that those halcyon days are over, if I'm using that word correctly. If I'm not, then please substitute pedantic word of choice, it won't bother me a bit. Strong leadership is needed, and intelligent action is required, before the fact, during the fact, and forever after. No solution is short term, and no truly intelligent individual can believe that there is any solution to the endemic characteristics of the actual planetary habits themselves. If you live on the surface of this orb, then you have to get used to the fact that it does its own thing, regardless of the two-legged motes that dance upon it. The actions of the motes, for good or bad, only make a dent on the orb's life when millions of those motes simply choice to ignore the needs and habits of the orb. The earth doesn't say please, but if you try sometime, you might hear a quiet thank you.

The New New blob

More reasons why insurance companies should be forced to put everyone up in a hotel in another state, or the insurance executive's mansions:

1. 8:57 AM
Life as a series of opportunities
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

2. 9:57 AM
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

3. 10:57 AM
Tentacle Hentai and it's relationship to teen smoking and pregnancy
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

4. 11:57 AM
Why don't they move away from the disaster area?
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

The New New blob

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