My poem

14 Conversations

Give this poem a little read and say what you think, any sugestions on adapting my writting style would be welcome. I repeat that this is my own creation (and i bet it shows) and no copying of this is allowed. who am i kidding if you want to copy it (i doubt u will), copy it just make sure my name appears at the bottom. (Gareth Preston.) Any lines which you don't like say BUT do not sugest a replacement because if you do i will not be able to use your line (however brilliant, because a) it will damage my pride b)i will not feel it is my poem c)if it ever gets published you will make me give you money for using your line.


Once upon a time I walked,
Through fields filled with white,
And gazed upon the silent stars
Until the end of night.
I watched the moon glide
Behind the silhouettes of trees,
And listened to their own goodbyes,
Their rustling branches in the breeze.

Once upon a time I walked,
Through fields paved with gold,
And hummed a happy tune,
Of stories still untold.
The melody floated up as high,
As the birds amongst the cloud,
Who dived down to get their prey,
As I sang my joy out loud.

Once upon a time i walked,
Through fields scattered with pink,
and paused awhile below a tree
to sit and rest and think,
i thought about how happy i was,
to stroll through this paradise,
and listen to the animals,
the cats the birds, the mice.

Once upon a time I lay,
on a field of brown and green,
and listened to the heart felt shouts,
of the rugby football team,
the blood ruptured from my leg,
as the stud marks swelled with pain,
and then I knew that I would never ,
walk in any field again.

That's my best one but i have a few more which i would like you to browse. And i repeat any lines which you don't like say BUT do not sugest a replacement because if you do i will not be able to use your line (however brilliant, because a) it will damage my pride b)i will not feel it is my poem c)if it ever gets published you will make me give you money for using your line.
so, poem number two.


Sitting here, trembling like a mouse,
Who a vicious feline has entrapped,
Knowing but not wanting to commit,
But finally I uncomfortably admit,
And my strength is completely sapped,

"She's not coming, she is never coming,"
All my life I waited for today,
When finally I would meet the one I love,
Whom no one could ever be above,
And words I'd rehearsed I could say,

At last I decided to leave the bar,
To face the torment that will follow,
Knowing that I'd lost my love forever,
Feeling the sunny day slip into stormy weather,
Knowing my heart will ache tomorrow.

And here is my last one for now. hope you enjoy it.

In deep

The harsh cold water of despair,
Flows over my small shaking body,
My lungs rapidly needing air,
As I reach out for somebody,
The darkness envelops me more,
Muscles becoming tense and sore.

A light the size of a pinprick,
Sparks and my body strives a new,
My arms thrash and my legs kick,
As the light materialises into you,
Ready to save me from this hell,
Ready to hold me, to tell me all is well.

Any comments you have post at the bottom please. :-) thankyou for taking the time to read it through and i hoped you enjoyed the poems.

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