Entry of the Month: October 2009

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Welcome to Entry Of The Month, the Post column that celebrates the very best of writing for the Edited Guide.

Thank you to everyone voting in the September competition. Did you know that Entry of the Month has now been running for two years? This has only been possible through your support, so thank you very much, and please keep voting!

The Winners

As is customary, we have a new winner to announce:

Entry of the Month, September 2009 is A56388892 - Collar Stiffeners.

This Entry, written by Pheroneous II and sub-edited by the h2g2 Editors is an in-depth examination of those little plastic strips. In its earlier days, h2g2 published many entries on the more mundane things in life, and it's refreshing to see them still being written. Congratulations to all concerned!

October Competition

These are a few which caught my eye, and which hopefully illustrate the variety of entries in this month's competition. It's not the full list, of course - there are a total of 12 Entries which you can vote for, and the last item in this list links to the Front Page Archive, where you will find all the others. As always, please look through the Entries and cast a vote for your favourite. Not only that, but please ask your h2g2 friends to take part, too.

Icy's Suggestions

Can I Vote?

Of course you can! Entry of The Month is all about popular opinion. So whether you're an old-hand in Peer Review or you just signed up yesterday, you are more than welcome to post your vote to the forum below.

IMPORTANT: Please post only once to the voting forum. Votes can then be quickly counted without having to double-check. Please do not try to vote anywhere else. Voting for your own Entry is politely discouraged. This system is reliant on your goodwill and honesty.

But I don't like any of your suggestions!

That's fine. My list is just a few which caught my eye. If you've seen something you prefer, please vote for that Entry instead. It would help if you could include an A-Number by way of a link.

All an Entry needs to qualify is to have been put on the Front Page for the first time in the last month. Please check the date on the Entry you are nominating. It happens that old Entries are sometimes put back on the Front Page for a 'second spell' – you can identify these on the Front Page Archive as they have a little ® beside them. The Entry Of The Month must be first published in the month in question.

The competition will be closed at a judicious point towards the end of the calendar month in which the competition is published according to the following Post deadline, when voting activity has been quiet for a period of time. Either Icy North or the Post Team will announce closure by posting to the voting thread. The votes will be tallied and any ties will be resolved by the Post Team. The Post Team's decision on any matter relating to the competition will be final.

Entry of the Month Archive

Icy North

16.11.09 Front Page

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