The Title Appreciacion Society

10 Conversations

If you want a title without any strings attached, then you've come to the right place. The Title Appreciacion Society is for people who just want a title, have their name mentioned on this page, and get on with their lives. It isn't even necesary for you to leave a link pointing towards the Society on your page (All though it would be nice)!

Our motto: 'Get a title and get on with it!'

What does the Society stand for, and why should I join?

  • The Society's wish is that people who want a title, get one.
  • We believe that it is every man's (or woman's, ofcourse) right to have at least on title they're pleased with.
  • We are strong supporters of freedom, and so anyone who joins, does not need to be part of a forum or anything to keep their title.
  • We wan't every single member of our society to have a title they're pleased with.
  • We are... slightly, but not very, opposed to people who join things for other reasons than to get a cool title. You don't have to follow this if you don't want to.

Slight Snags

  • Please don't select any Muse or Keeper titles, as they allready have societies of their own.
  • Only one title each. You can have long titles though!!

The Chairs

Our very own forum. The point of which is, that if you really feel like chatting, even though you don't have to, you can do it here! Inside the forum you won't meet to many people, as the Society doesn't have very many members yet... To get there, click here.

Titles Awarded

Here is the roster of people who have allready joined our society, and the titles they chose. Feel free to use this as an inspiration when you choose your own title!

The Title Appreciation SocietyW85 - Creator of AllephirelX of Deeper Thought then Deep Thoughtfred_smith - Holy Emperor of Alpha CentauriDr. Weasel - G.D.G.D.F.O.W.W.S.H.H.S."S.M.T.W.T.G.H."ex-Rambling - Warmongerer ExtemporeWhisky - Grand Protector of half empty bottles Red Dog - Top Banana Someone else you Know - T.B.D.L.G.H.M.A.T.U.I.N.G.C.B.N.C.RCodpiece man - Omnipotent Battle Leader of the Phallic-Symbol Equipped ArmiesHappy Little Elf - The Almighty Insignificant

(Dr Weasel - Grand Duchess of getting Drunk and Falling Over while wearing stupidly high heels and Singing "Show Me the Way to go Home")

(Someone else you know - The Bearer of disused lavatories, Grand high master of all things unsanitary and in need of a good clean before the neigbours come round)

To join, just start a new conversation below, stating your username and number.

Get a title, and get on with it!

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