MAX (Metropolitan Area Express)

2 Conversations

The MAX (Metropolitan Area Express) is the light rail system that serves

the Portland, OR metropolitan area. It is run

by TriMet, the public transit

operator for the area. The MAX consits of three lines, 44 miles of track,

and 64 stops.


Construction on the original MAX line (now called the Blue Line) began in

March of 1982 and was completed in September of 1986. It connects Gresham

and the rest of the east side to the Portland city center. It was one of

the first light rail systems constructed in the United States.

The second construction project was an expansion of the Blue Line to the

west side of the city, connecting Hillsboro and Beaverton to the downtown

area, and was completed in September of 1998. The line includes a

three-mile-long tunnel under the West Hills. The Washington Park station,

which is located within the tunnel, is 260 feet below ground and is the

deepest transit station in North America.

The Red Line opened in September of 2001. It connects Beaverton and the

city center with Portland International Airport. It is by far the most

convenient method to go into town from the airport. A trip from the

airport to downtown (with stops near key places such as the Rose Garden

arena and the Oregon Convention Center) will take about 35 minutes and

will cost you only $1.80.

In May of 2004, the Yellow Line began operations. It connects the north

and northeast areas of Portland with downtown. This line also provides

users with easy access to the Portland Expo Center.

How to Ride

With 64 stations in the Portland metro area, it shouldn't be hard to find

a station near your location. Once at the station, purchase your ticket

from the machine. As of this writing, the fares are: $1.80 for an adult

ticket, $0.70 for an honored citizen ticket, and $1.20 for a youth ticket.

These tickets are good for two hours. You can also buy an all-day ticket

for $3.75. However, if you are traveling exclusively in the Fareless Square aream

which includes most of downtown Portland, then the ride is completely free. (This also applies to buses and the Portland Streetcar.)

Trains run every 15 minutes or better every day, between about 4:30 AM and midnight.

Each station has signs indicating what track your train will arrive on. Some of the larger stations also have electronic display boards telling you when the next train is due. Every train has a sign on the front which identifies the line and direction of the train. As the train pulls into the station, make sure you are well away from the tracks. The doors will open, and you can board.

Enjoy your ride!

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