Urinals - A Personal Interpretation

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This working guide entry will detail the many types of Urinal in operation
amongst the public conveniences of the Universe.

Bowl Urinals

Bowl shaped urinals are the best urinals to use. Their shape makes it easy to
pee into the bowl without splashing. These are the most common urinal in small
lavatories, such as offices, supermarkets, etc. They are in the basic shape of
an egg, with a section cut off the top... Splashing can be further reduced by
peeing onto the porcelain side wall at a slight angle, in effect to curve the
flow of urine down to the drain.

The bottom of these urinals may be filled with small blue cleaning blocks.
Some also have a blue plastic mat in the bottom. This serves no specific purpose
what so ever, apart from producing a considerable amount of splashing.

Trough Urinals

Trough urinals are the worst urinals to use. They come in several forms,
varying with their height above floor level.

The simplest is a tall metal trough with the base at around thigh level.
Since the back wall is vertical, peeing directly onto this is likely to cause
splashing. A good aim, although not difficult, is of utmost importance.

The second type of urinal is the full length urinal, either metal or
porcelain. These are built so that you have to stand of the portion of the floor
covered with other people's urine, and are so tall that you are effectively
peeing at your feet. Obtaining a pore urinary posture means that you could pee
over your shoe. These types of urinal are most common at seaside resorts where
people are most likely to be walking into the lavatory bare-foot, and also,
therefore, most likely to be walking out of the lavatory with your feet
encrusted with a mixture of urine and fine sand.

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