Determinism Versus Free Will and the Chaos Theory

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The Newtonian theory of Determinism was long thought to be correct throughout the Classical era of history. Determinism is the theory that the fate of everyone and everything is preordained by one specific mathematical equation.
However, this theory was challenged in the 1900s by the Chaos Theory and Free Will. The Chaos Theory states that every little thing makes a difference to the overall outcome, and so a preordained destiny is an impossible concept. This theory is supported by Free Will, which states that every decision we make is of our own free will and that we can therefore determine our own destiny.

Mathematicians claim that Determinism only works on paper, and that, realistically, the Chaos Theory is the correct one. A mathematician called Harold Brochmann uses the example of a planet's orbit around a star. The planet's orbit is preordained - a circle. But if an asteroid suddenly flies out of the cosmos and collides with the planet, knocking it just a hundredth of a millimetre off course, then some time in the future it is possible that the planet will collide with the star and meet an unprecedented end. The race living on the planet would be wiped out. Free Will would come into play if the people became aware that their planet's orbit would lead them to a collision with the star, and they subsequently decide to move to another planet in their solar system. This, however, seems to have re-accepted Determinism. Their destiny is mapped out by the course, or the irregular course of the planet's orbit. Free Will, however, allows them to do something about it. Determinism states that no matter what you do you will not be able to avoid your own specific destiny. Then the star explodes and consumes the entire solar system. Determinism or Chaos? It isn't exactly the same fate, but it could occur at the same point in space and time - or is this just a coincidence? Is there a deterministic force bent on destroying this race of people one way or another, or is the probability of their star exploding exactly the same as the probability of an asteroid knocking their planet off course at just the right trajectory to send it spiralling towards its own sun? While mathematicians marvel over this problem, I will turn my attention to biology.

Seventeen years ago I was born a squirming little red thing with wrinkly skin and a lot of mucus. Somehow I have become what I am today. How did that happen? It's like making a Victoria Sponge using just an egg. The fact is, it has to be one hell of an egg. It has to be programmed with all the information that makes up me, and as I grow older, new pieces of information will come to the surface. This is known as DNA - my genetic code. If I could access and understand my genetic code, I could work out what I'm going to look like when I'm eighty. At least, that is the theory. But what happens if I lose a leg in a car accident? That isn't in my genetic code, there is no way this information could have been programmed in because the factors are external. So when I am eighty, I won't look quite like I should, because I'll be short of a limb. Or what if I choose (of my own Free Will) to have plastic surgery, a tattoo, or eat unhealthily? These things will also affect the way I look when I'm eighty.
Here in my life - in everyone's life - the forces of Determinism, Free Will and Chaos are at play. It is my theory that, contrary to popular belief, there is not one true theory, but a combination of all three, working together (or against each other) for the final outcome. They each have their own roles: -
Determinism is my genetic code. It maps my physical development. Determinism also states that one day I will die.
Chaos is, by nature, chaotic. Anything could happen at any time to upset my deterministic route.
Free Will is equally as chaotic, the difference being I have control over it. So I can choose to undermine my deterministic route.
Then, as determinism states, one day I will die, but Chaos and Free Will dictate (or suggest) exactly how I will die, and where and when.

This is not only true on an individual scale, but a global scale, even a universal scale. It works for all organisms - animals, plants, micro-bacteria. Some do not have the option of Free Will, of course, because they do not have consciousness. Others, such as the creatures we live amongst here on Earth, will have a primitive use of Free Will, for example, the knowledge to run when they sense danger, rather than just sitting there to accept (or not, because they have no conscious awareness of it) their fate.

Some people who believe in the more 'traditional' view of Determinism, believe there to be a 'pre-ordainer' - a god or a master brain mapping out our lives. These people argue that the 'chaotic' things that shape our lives are actually preordained by the master brain and that they are therefore part of the deterministic universe. But since no one has any evidence of such a master brain existing independently of the universe, or any ideas as to where it might have come from, combined with the probability of this actually being the case, the theory is not entirely logical.
Others argue that rather than their being an external intelligence playing puppetry with our lives, there is an equation, a very complex one, that has the formula for the entire existence of the universe, and also the end of the universe. Where this equation originated from seems to be the question - was it set by a master brain, or is it some kind of natural map? And is it written down anywhere, or does it just exist? And is it a fixed equation, or are all the factors constantly changing, although the answer remains the same? There are many questions surrounding this intriguing theory, and apparently no answers. The only hope we have is that when we die we will somehow become aware of the equation. The probability that we will actually be able to understand it should this happen, however, is very slim. Perhaps the eternal afterlife is just one big maths lesson, as someone tries to explain what it all means. And the advantage of knowing the equation for the fate of the universe? All that I can think of is that you will know how it will end, and can look down on those who don't and have a jolly good laugh about it all.

- Mel

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