TM³ - A Semi-secret Organisation

3 Conversations


Hello and welcome to the page dedicated to our noble cause: The Movement To Moderate The Moderators (or TM³ for short). The purpose of our movement is to complain uselessly at the moderators when we think they have unfairly moderated our work.


At this point we have just begun to complain and the idea is still young. As a result there are only a few of us working for you; the people. However we are a good bunch and will argue with those nice moderators like a thousand men.

The team is as follows:
  • Myself the founder and chief moany bar-steward Jeffery the Hyper-Intelligent Guitar
  • My second in command (and bit on the side... oh she is such a sexy fox!) Mel The Proud Saver of Moths and Flies
  • Our resident Queen fanatic and hater of the CAPTIAL letter aka the ace and guru
  • Our favourite little psycopath (who wouldnt hurt a fly) Corvay (the leathal in many ways)
  • Recruitment

    At the moment we are looking for more people to help us complain. If you think you would like to help leave a message in the conversation I started below with your researcher Id, nickname and MSN/Yahoo messenger Id and I’ll see what I can do. I might want to interview you to make me feel special so for the purpose of this and keeping in contact with you people I must ask that you have either MSN or Yahoo messenger.

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