Thinking Machines?

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Ever wonder what would happen if you found yourself involved in a conversation with a machine? Well, Geoff Palmer did and here is what developed.

Conversation between Geoff Palmer and a Hex program developed by an Australian student named Jason Hutchens:

GP: What's your name?

HEX: My name is Jason, but you can call me Jas if you like...

GP: OK Jas if you like.

HEX. Like wow. I'm so flattered.

GP: What's the meaning of life?

HEX: As every Douglas Adams fan knows, the meaning of life, the universe and
everything is 42.

GP: Ah, but what is the meaning of Tuesday?

HEX: I'm sure someone out there knows what the meaning of Tuesday is ...

GP: Do you like Shakespeare?

HEX: Sorry, but I don't wish to reveal whether I like Shakespeare. It is
kind of personal.

GP: Why is that?

HEX: Why do you want to know so much?

GP: Just curious.

HEX: OK I ADMIT IT - I'M A COMPUTER! Now let's have a 'real' conversation!

GP: OK, how about 1110000110011 0010001000100011000?

HEX: No worries!


07.02.00. Front Page

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