FrontPage Archive - May 2010

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4 May 2010

A bowl of sea salt.How Sea Salt Is Made - It comes from the sea and has a reputation for being 'healthier' than table salt, but how exactly is it made?

The Armagh Rail Disaster - An insight into the tragic combination of factors that led to the worst railway accident in Ireland's history.

The Beehive Star Cluster - All you need to know about this cluster of stars in the constellation of Cancer, also known as the 'manger'.

QOTW: One of my neighbours is out every weekend washing his car. I find this hilarious.

7 May 2010


10 May 2010

Pacemakers - A once revolutionary but now commonplace device that regulates the rhythm of the heart. But how does it work?

'1': The Beatles Compilation Album - A greatest hits package that put the Fab Four back at the top of the charts for the new millenium.

Having a Dog Put to Sleep (UK) - A guide to what to expect once you've made the heart-breaking decision to have you pet put down.

QOTW: Men sweat, women perspire, ladies glow.

12 May 2010


17 May 2010

A picture of the Crown Prosecution Service logo.The Crown Prosecution Service - An arresting introduction to the workings of the main prosecuting authority in England and Wales.

The Respiratory System of Dinosaurs - Take a breather and find out how the breathing functions of birds relate to their Triassic ancestors.

The Christmas Market, Birmingham, UK - Start preparing early for the festival of food that is becoming a Midlands seasonal tradition.

QOTW: Dammit - I always get my nerds and my geeks mixed up

24 May 2010

An illustration of a sword sitting on a knight's tunic emblazed with a St George's cross.The First Crusade Project - Exploding the myths of the 11th Century expedition that saw Christian knights take on the Holy Land.

Oliver the Chimpanzee - The ups and downs of the primate who became a 1970s celebrity for aping human characteristics.

The Fray Bentos Steak and Kidney Pie - Keith Floyd loved them and for many they were the epitome of modern convenience in cuisine.

QOTW: Why don't teeth fall out of old skulls? What's holding them in?

25 May 2010

Towel Day

- Today is Towel Day, a day recognised all over the world, where we celebrate the brilliant life and enduring memory of Douglas Adams.


26 May 2010



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