Hullabaloo's Vogon Poetry

1 Conversation

Palindrome Years

smiley - wizard Palindrome years are years of Magic and Mystery

They don't happen often in history -

In fact recently

The going rate seems to be 110 years -

1771, 1881, 1991, except for the turning of millenia

When they come within 11 years

Of each other - 1991-2002, 2992-3003.

So we're doubly privileged, you and me.

Some people miss them altogether

While We Happy Few have had two together,

The slightly sadder news being

That the next one's not until 2112,

A bit late for me and you,

So I hope you enjoy a Most Magical 2002

A palindrome year that's good and true, for

They don't happen often in history -

Palindrome years are years of Magic and Mystery smiley - wizard

And, as a bonus for all on h2g2 -

The 20th of February will be 20.02.2002! smiley - fairy

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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