
4 Conversations

Cow's milk is the most commonly used milk in the UK but there are other sources of milk. Here is a list: reindeer, goat, llama, camel, yak, and sheep. Cow's milk is used in chocolate, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese, butter, cream, and of course milk.
Recent reasearch however has shown that drinking milk is not healthy because when you drink milk (skimmed or not) you flood your body with methionine. However although your body needs methionine, too much is toxic. Methionine is a good source for sulfur which coverts to sulfates and a weak form of sulfuric acid. This meens your body to deal with this problem drains the calcium from your bones, in fact more than the calcium coming in from the milk. Drinking milk also increases chances of breast cancer in woman. So to conclude milk should be drank in small amounts with other high calcium foods.

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