FrontPage Archive - September 2010

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1 September 2010


2 September 2010


6 September 2010

The floating bridge moving between Cowes and East Cowes on the Isle of Wight, UKThe floating bridge moving between Cowes and East Cowes on the Isle of Wight, UKThe Isle of Wight's Floating Bridge - Hop on the Cowes ferry that has been carrying passengers safely across the River Medina for 150 years

Deep Purple's Live Albums: A Guide for the Purplexed - A fan's guide to the rock band's live output, spanning eight line-ups and five decades

The UK Clinical Aptitude Test - A fiendishly difficult intelligence test that helps medical and dental schools sort out the best of the best

QOTW: "Have you had breakfast yet?" is often phrased as "Have you broken your farts yet?"

13 September 2010

Matt Smith as the Doctor in the 2010 Doctor Who episode The 11th HourMatt Smith as the Doctor in the 2010 Doctor Who episode The 11th HourDoctor Who Episode Guide: 2010 - A rundown of the series that gave us a new Doctor for a new decade, plus new danger and some old foes

The Harmonic Institution - A band of musicians who dedicated themselves to publishing musical works at the start of the 19th Century

'Smash': Instant Mashed Potato - The dried potato product that was loved by Martians and found a place in millions of 1970s larders

QOTW: What ice cream van chimes have you heard?

20 September 2010

The Slow Movement - Take a moment to learn more about the body that's been campaigning since the 1980s for people to take things easier

William 'Billy' Speck: Horse Racing Hero - A little remembered but much loved National Hunt jockey who paid a terrible price for a selfless act

The Trouble With Ciphers - Why those who seek to unearth the meanings hidden in secret messages will always win out in the end

QOTW: I know my onions, but who knows their eggs?

27 September 2010

A statue depicting Oscar Wilde in Dublin, IrelandA statue depicting Oscar Wilde in Dublin, IrelandDublin Statue Trail - Take a walking tour of the Irish capital's most famous bronze and stone likenesses, from Molly Malone to Oscar Wilde

The Unique Habits of the Giant Kuhli Loach Fish - An introduction to the unusual, eel-like tropical fish that can change colour at will

Nicolaus Copernicus: Pioneering Cosmologist - The Polish astronomer who altered the way we think about the make-up of our Solar System

QOTW: could rabbits suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder in the same way humans do?

30 September 2010



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