The H2G2 Sprint - 2/10

11 Conversations

The H2G2 Sprint

Section 2/10

The Moxon Chicane

A tricky twist in the track that must be taken seriously. Difficult
to negotiate but can be key to a lead position.

Power down, and brake hard. Keep to the far left of the track until
you are level with the first section of arcove. Lean hard left into the
corner until you are aimed straight for the right hand twist. Keep
the power down. Lean hard right and power out of the corner. The closer
you can keep to the inner sections of both curves the quicker you can
get through them.

Caution: Be carefull you don't clip your knee on the arcove. Even at
thirty miles an hour, it will break your leg and the race will be over.


If you are not familiar with the H2G2 Sprint track, please go here

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