The h2g2 Poem

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The Spot on My Chin

Oh glorious morning, I awake full of zest,

greeting the sunrise always brings a swell to my chest.

I glance into the mirror, for being vain was never my sin,

and gasp in horror at the huge spot on my chin.

What an eruption, so big and so bright,

of volcanic proportions, it does look a sight.

But where did it come from, I look such a twit,

this repulsively grotesque, grossly swollen red zit.

Looking in the mirror, first this way then that,

trying to work out if there was anyway it'd look flat.

I cannot imagine why it has assaulted my skin.

this disgustingly enormous, spot on my chin.

Hmmm, it might have been that cream cake that I had with my tea,

Or maybe those chips, that they fried just for me.

Surely not the chocolate, not something that simple,

would give me this hideously disfiguring, over-ripe, red pimple.

It could have been all those sweets I ate before bed,

or maybe the hot milk drink, oh I wish I'd used my head.

So many good things to eat, one too many biscuits from the tin,

and now I am left with this dirty great spot on my chin

Now I must face the world, hold my head high,

and try my hardest not to meet anyone in the eye.

For I know what they are thinking, and it’s true I must admit,

that it’s my over indulgent eating habits, that’s given me this big zit.

smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

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