Edible Energy Bricks - a Recipe Content from the guide to life, the universe and everything

Edible Energy Bricks - a Recipe

3 Conversations

We all need a boost of energy once and while: you're in the office on a Friday afternoon, working on an important report that needs to be in by the end of the day; at university, when it's gone past midnight and you're still revising for your final exams which are tomorrow; or when you've agreed to run a charity marathon, even though you get out of breath collecting the post in the morning. We've all been there.

Well here is a very easy recipe that'll solve your problems. Based on a simple flapjack recipe, extra fruit and nuts have been added to create a snack that will give you the energy boost to get you through the day, and then some. Each brick contains a combination of dried prunes, dried apricots, walnuts and pecans, brought together in a delicious oats and honey mix. This produces a taste sensation beyond measure!


  • 200g/8oz unsalted butter;
  • 200g/8oz demerara sugar;
  • 200g/8oz honey;
  • 400g/16oz porridge oats;
  • 50g/2oz fruit and nut mix (chopped prunes, apricots, walnuts and pecans)

20cm x 30cm (8in x 12in) cake tin, greased.


  1. Put the butter, sugar and honey in a saucepan and heat, stirring occasionally, until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved. Add the oats and fruit and nut mix, and combine well.
  2. Transfer the oat mixture to the prepared cake tin and spread to about 2cm (¾in) thick. Smooth the surface with the back of a spoon. Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C/350°F/Gas 4 for 15-20 minutes, until lightly golden around the edges, but still slightly soft in the middle. Let the mixture cool in the tin, then turn out and cut into 12 even bricks.

Like all flapjacks, they store extremely well and taste even better over time. Store in a good airtight tin, and they should last you months. Also, since prunes and apricots are extremely high in fibre, it gives you the added bonus of making you as regular as clockwork.

Nutritional Information

Approximate amount per serving:

  • Calories = 373 kCal
  • Fats = 16g
  • Carbohydrates = 38g
  • Fibre = 2.3g

As you can see, these give you a lot of good energy in the form of carbohydrates. But be careful, too many of them and you'll soon start looking like a brick yourself. Enjoy!

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