Bow Ties

1 Conversation

Ah, the bow tie. Nearly everyone wore a bow tie to prom; many men recall the frustration of choosing a jacket and matching a date's jewelry and trying on used, aerosoled shoes. Then the tie was chosen, usually with a vest or cummerbund. The bow tie was the tie of choice for formal occasions, and every men's clothing store knew that no eighteen year old could properly tie his own bow tie. It's too complex, to tricky, to old-fashioned, tying one's own tie. So a substitute is ordered.

The clip on.

The clip on has mortally wounded the bow tie. Pimply and sweating young faces now merely snap their tie together and make sure it is facing the right way, and the subtle majesty of the bow is lost for another evening. The quirkiness that a bow tie represents, the eccentricity, the penache is missing. Bow ties are meant to be personalized, lop-sided badges of that prove a man can master his neckwear. Bow ties are the exclusive domian of the male, but men have sold away their uniqueness for a simple clip on neck tie.

I can tie a bow tie. I own several non-formal bow ties, and people constantly as me, "Is that a clip on?" Most people didn't know bow ties were actually meant to be tied, they simply assume that they've always come pre-tied. Fewer still know how to tie a bow properly, even though the knots the exact same as the one used to tie up your shoes. Look at your shoes right now, see the laces? Tied exactly the same as my tie right now. Simple. Now you only need go out and buy your own bow ties to impress your fashion challenged friends.

You can't, of course. Bow ties are hard to come by; there isn't simply much market for them. You aren't buying any, so no one's selling them. Funny old system, but stores only sell clip ons, and you'll hav eto dive into some very strange old vintage clothing shops before you find a real bow tie, but it is worth your effort.

There's a warm feeling in your chest when you wear your own bow tie. You feel as if you stand out(You do, of course) and have the smug feeling that the one person who realizes you've tied your own bow tie will instantly wish he could tie one, too.

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