H2G2 Happy Tails Kennel

4 Conversations

Co-owned and operated (ha!) by Pete and Quille (eventually) And probably being run by Phoniex because she is just so amazingly awesome!

Top Breeder and Specialized Animal Sitter- Phoniex (she does EVERYTHING!)


Fishy doing dives and the like

Stepping from the street into a revolving green door you are tranferred from busy hubbub to a cleanly if somewhat eclectic atmosphere. Pet supplies, boxes, and books are stacked around waiting to be unpacked, and about the only thing truly in order in the entire room is a large white desk with a full display case (of what used to be in boxes) for the lower half. On the desk there are two signs. One says:

'Want a new virtual pet? Sick of the old animal? Going on vacation and need some professionals (ok, you can laugh) to take care of your cyber pets? Well, you've come to the right place!'

while the other says:

'Please excuse the mess!'

There seems to be no one around behind the boxes so you walk up to the desk dodging through the obstacle course of objects stacked around and you spot a chrome bell screaming out to be rung, so you comply with its wishes.

The bells tolls and then oppressive silence reigns. You look around again and see a curtain covering what appears to be a doorway with a sign posted:

'Employees only!'

Shouting 'HELLO' seems to bring no one. Finally, in frustration, you decide to post a message and hope that the miscreats running this place get back to you quickly.

Looking on the other side of the door, you notice there is a sign that says:

'A special sale on Purple Pets today!'

This makes you wonder while you wait..

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