Camden Town Station

2 Conversations

Inside a tube trainCamden Town is, arguably, the oddest station on the network, both for its multi-directional travel posibilities (on no less than four different branches of the same line) and for it's unique clientele.

Camden is the bohemian capital of London, particularly at the weekend, and you can be sure that, if you are travelling on the Northern Line on a Saturday or Sunday, a negligible proportion of your fellow travellers would get through an airport check-in unhindered (either because their faces would set off the metal detector alarms or they would be savaged by the sniffer dogs).

These "people" are drawn by the weekend markets which are a topic for elsewhere.

This teeming multitude causes a significant problem of overcrowding, and Camden Town tube station approaches the problem by engageing in a major confusion offensive including such tactics as:

  1. Randomising the "dot matrix" indicators*on the platforms (so they tell people the next train will be in 72 minutes and is heading for Glasgow)
  2. Occasionally making the station "Exit only", and advising people at the top to go to Chalk Farm or Mornington Crescent (but only if they know the rules)
  3. In extreme circumstances, switching off the lights and pretending there's nobody in.

Unfortunately, none of these tactics appear to dissuade anyone from going there, but have been used to justify one of the more colourful characters urinating copiously over a bench on Platform 3.*

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