Been around the block, came back.

2 Conversations

Author: U199598

I kicked next door's dog.

It was chained

To the post. It bit my leg.

I swore at the nurse

Who bandaged

The wound. She blacked my eye.

I threw vases and ashtrays

At the lover

Who kissed the bruise. She left.

I slashed my therapist's creaking sofa

With my knife.

He called the police to drag me away.

I pulled my lawyer's hair and spat

In his face.

He told the judge to send me down.

I sang out loud all night in jail.

My cellmate

Arranged a beating for me next day.

I laughed at the uniforms and hats

Of the guards.

They dragged me up the metal stairs.

I pulled funny faces while the surgeon fixed

My legs and spine.

He pushed me off the table and went home.

I held the gaze of death, eyes locked.

I winked. I grinned.

The old man grinned back, swung his scythe.

I saw next door's dog, sitting next to

This great throne.

It cocked its hind leg and pissed. I giggled.

Told to sit and wait for judgement. I whispered

I don't believe.

I went to the corner shop and bought cigarettes.

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