Braille exobiology texts

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I think I'm going to have to quit smoking.

It turns out that it may

be exascerbating (sp?) my allergies, light sensitivity,

and quite possibly my MENTAL FOG.

The place where I now work is supposed to be CLEAN

so we are spending an awful lot of time pretending

to Clean the store.

AS there is only ONE door to the place and not a single

opening window, most of the stuff that get's cleaned

has dust and dirt and other crap descending upon it

almost immediately,

plus the various chemicals we are running around

spritzing into the air and onto surfaces create

a small series of clouds of STUFF

So I went from working at one of the nastiest places

on the planet...

to working at one of the nastiest places on the planet...

Part of my smoking problem also has to do with the fact

that I am no longer cycling a hundred miles a week.

Nor do I intend to begin again, either.

I'm still tired and in pain from the old job.

I don't think I will regret quiting.

But I think I would like to work somewhere where I can

breath something besides crap.

All the "Clean Air" initiatives in the world, from the Kyoto

whats it to all the noises about global warming

won't make a bit of difference if people's noses and lungs

are so mucked up from where they work that they can't

smell or breath when they go outside...

which reminds me:

Do you have any idea what kind of

chemicals it takes to make a computer?

Or what it smells like where they make the casings

for monitors?

Or what it's like for the people who have to mold our

keyboards and keys?

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