1874398 intro page

0 Conversations

this is my intro padge of all the stuff I belong to
none of my work at the CAC would be possable without
This great person here hepled with the CAC, and we thank you very much. Love Tom AKA Cider shark
smiley -
smiley -
The Campaign for New Smileys
smiley -
smiley -
smiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cider

hi if ur looking at this then talk to me [email protected]

I found these picture and I like it

Two drummers drummingA wizard
Smiley animation
look at all the faces
A ghost appears in a room with blood on the walls.A demon playing with letters in a wordThe heroic Odysseus, a boat, and a galloping white horse.

im a member of the magthians guild

ééIn the Magician's Guild.


the assians guild

The H2G2 Assassin's guild
smiley - ghost
nil mortifi sine lucure
the new assassins guild badge

and the phloisphers guild

The H2G2 Philosophers GuildThe shape of a question mark with a few of the world's different gods shown within
Trying to answer all those questions about life

Musicians' Guild Member

The H2G2 League of Super Powers
˜ ˜ ˜
˜ ˜ ˜
"With Great Powers We Can Have Great Fun!"

Liberté Egalité Fraternité InsanityLiberté Egalité Fraternité Insanity

My pets
smiley - sheep

smiley - orangefish
smiley - schooloffish

My most ueful item is my smiley - spork,
smiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cidersmiley - cider

smiley - dontpanic It's the...

smiley - skull


smiley - skull
smiley - zoomsmiley - wizardsmiley - magic

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