Redbrick - Home of She and Skenvoy

16 Conversations

In a valley, surrounded by tall mountain peaks which soar to unimaginable heights, there is a house. Walking up to the house your eyes are assaulted by colour; pure white from the snow on the mountain peaks, sparkling blue from the
that runs close to the house, light green from the grass on the valley floor,A bridge over a river dark green from the forest behind the house and bright red from the house itself. This house is Redbrick. Outside the house is a sign;

Redbrick - Home of She and Skenvoy
Visitors welcome

Feel free to take a spare room, just start a conversation below. However this room belongs to us (Skenvoy and She). If you are hungry please help yourself in the kitchen. If you want to just relax come along to the living room. If you want to have a party why not in the disco room (a room no house should be without), even have a go as the DJ. Out behind the house is the garden. Oh, and before I forget this is the bathroom. Overall enjoy your stay here.

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