German Meet 2006

6 Conversations

A quick Entry to provide a forum to discuss a possible mini-meet in Germany - probably in the Frankfurt (Main) area.

Suggested date (by Sho) is Tuesday 18th April - which is the day after Easter Monday.

If you would like to attend, please either add to a conversation here, or start a new one.

Suggestions for locations, venues and/or alternative dates welcome, but we should aim to get it fixed before the end of January to enable people to book flights/trains/holiday/babysitters/ childminders/accommodation in plenty of time.


The date has now been set:

Tuesday, 18th April (Tuesday after Easter Monday)

We'll start a conversation for each date. Put a message in each date when you could attend, the more the better, and at the end of January we can see which date will get the most of us together and take that one. We should aim to get all votes in for counting by 31st January in order that we can take advantage of the cheapest air/rail/hotel fares/fees.


Frankfurt (Main) seems to be pretty central. Unless anyone has any serious objections we will go with that. Once we have decided on a date we can start to discuss what we actually want to do at the meet.

Possible attendees:

  • Sho
  • B'Elana
  • ReddyFreddy
  • Pierce the Pirate
  • Susanne
  • MazinMadFiddler

  • Bookmark on your Personal Space



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