Bouzouki strings

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Typical trichordo strings (inch gauge)

D3 .022 wound

D4 .011

A3 .014

A3 .014

D4 .011

D4 .011

For lighter string reduce every string by .001 :

D3 .021 wound

D4 .010

A3 .013

A3 .013

D4 .010

D4 .010

Can you just buy a set of tetrachordo strings and use six of them?


A typical set from Addario:

C3 .028 wound

C4 .013

F3 .022 wound

F4 .010

A3 .013

A3 .013

D4 .010

D4 .010

These are light, based on the equivalent Trichordo strings. Note that they use the same gauge for the top D and for the F octave string which is a minor third higher. They also use the same gauge for the A string and the C octave string which is  a minor third higher. This suggests that an unwound string can be tuned up to a minor third higher than nominal.

This set has five of the six strings needed for a trichordo set. The only difference is a .022W instead of a .021W, so the bass string might not be quite as light as the other strings.

Here's another set, from Prodigy:





Again, the same gauge is used for the C and F octave strings as for the A and D strings.

Note that this set uses a .022W for the thick F string, so this would be the same as the 6-string set. If this is cheaper, it be perfect, particularly since it gives you a spare A string.

Could you use Guitar strings?

No. The strings are the correct gauge and length, but they will have the wrong ends on them for attaching to the instrument. Guitars use ends with a little brass cylinder with the wire wrapped around it. Bouzoukis need a plain loop, which hooks over a metal peg on the tailpiece.

Strings for my DGC tuning

This uses D3 D3 G3 G3 C4 C4.

The D3 strings are the same ones as on trichordo, so .022 wound will do, but I'll need two of them. A standard Trichordo set will only have one.

The G3 strings could be a wound F tuned up one tone, or an unwound A tuned down one tone. Since the F3 strings given above are the same as the D3 string but tuned up 3 semitones, it is already over tension. So not recommended. Unwound gives a better tone. Ideally, a slightly heavier A string would be ideal. So if there is anything available slightly bigger than .014, get that.


I use 0.012 for the C strings, 0.015 for the G strings and 0.022 wound for the D strings. Hobgoblin sell individual strings in a range of gauges.


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