Phenomena That Need Names

11 Conversations

There are a number of phenomena1 that as far as I am aware do not have names, but should. These are phenomena2 that are mainly unique to h2g2, and should therefore be named by the general population of h2g2. We need your help! Any suggestions, however silly, are welcome. Please start a new thread for each phenomenon3. If you can think of any other phenomena4 that need naming, they are also welcome, start up a thread and they will be added to the page. as soon as I get around to it.


Something experienced by newbies and old hands alike, where clicking 'reply' to the last post on a page seems like the sensible thing to do... and then your comment ends up miles away; at the end of a conversation that has moved on considerably since the post you replied to.(Marjin)

Additions to names

Many people's nicknames are not just names, they have a little bit extra at the end, usually plugging a page, or stating wich groups they are a part of. Examples are (name) - ACE, GURU, general great guy, or (name) - muse of xxx, wizard of yyy, please go to azzzzzz. They can be permanent or temporary, long and indecipherable or simple and concise. The labels 'static' and 'modifier' have respectively been suggested for the general name and the temporary additions. (credit to Darkwin)

That Feeling When...

...You have a thread attached to a page you wrote. It's great, isn't it? But what is it?

...A thread you are involved in develops a huge amount of backlog while you are away. It can be good, or bad, depending on whether you have time to read it. Maybe two words are needed, depening on your feelings.

...A conversation drifts completely off topic, so you're not interested any more, but yopu feel obliged to keep reading in case someone new joins in and wants to talk about the original subject again.

...A smiley you suggested gets turned into something real. This is a rare one.

...You foget to ask to be 'notified of new conversations about this entry' that you wrote, and return later to find a thriving conversation.

Unexpected Fame

Sometimes something you have written gets submitted to Peer Review (and picked for the Edited Guide), or chosen for The Post or AGG/GAG without you expecting it. Being 'plucked from obscurity' doesn't quite cover it.

A person you don't know may leave a message on your Personal Space (greeting messages when you first join don't count). Is this an intrusion or an honour?

Something you've written gets commented on almost immediately after you wrote it, even though you haven't told anyone about it. Spooky huh?

Real Words

Not exactly REAL as in 'suitable for use in scrabble', but you can find an explanation of some of the words that have already been accepted into society at H2Jargon.

1Doo doo dee doodoo.2Doo doo doo doo3Doo doo dee doodoo dee doodoo dee doodoo dee doodoo doodoo doo doo doodoo doo4I think that's enough, don't you?

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