"Aqualung" By Jethro Tull

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First off, you must know who Jethro Tull is. If you have never heard of this band please take a moment to lament yourself and lift the rock made of pop music that you've been hiding under. Jethro Tull is a band, not a man. That is to say Jethro Tull isn't, or rather wasn't, a musician. Jethro Tull was an 18th century agriculturalist in Europe. Jethro Tull the band is lead by singer/flautist/songwriter/dancing bear/lunatic Ian Anderson. Their first album was the 1968 album entitled "This Was." It wasn't until 1971, however, that they released what many believe to be their greatest album ever, "Aqualung." Aqualung wasn't recorded in the nicest of studios and some have even been quoted as saying that the entire album sounds as if it was recorded by placing a microphone in a toilet bowl while the band surrounded the toilet and played. The content of the songs is where the real genius lies. The A Side is entitled "Aqualung" and the B Side is entitled "My God." Both sides have the same lyrical quality but, for the most part, you can tell which side you're listening to by the sound of the music. This album contains the powerful and controversial tracks "My God," "Hymn 43," and "Wind Up." All of these discuss the issue of organized religion. If you are not in the mood for some heavy issues, however, the musical quality of the songs lacks nothing in creativity and style allowing you to listen without having to think too hard. It is difficult to sum up the true wonder that is "Aqualung." To understand the album fully you must purchase it... or steal it... or burn it... or tell your friend you want to borrow it and strategically move away from home before you are able to return the album to its rightful owner. One way or the other, make this album yours.

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