The h2g2 Post Recipe

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With the month of October drawing to a close, children (and adults) in most of the UK inevitably start looking forward to Bonfire Night.

Fireworks these days tend to be limited to organised displays, but there is no reason why you can't still have the treats I remember enjoying when home bonfires were the norm and boxes of catherine wheels, jumping jacks and rockets were priced in shillings rather than pounds.

With this in mind, The Post presents this week some toffee recipes and next week some fudge recipes. Make sure that you have plenty of greaseproof/wax paper and airtight tins at the ready!

We would also be happy to feature your own personal favourite recipe but do remember that you should not submit anything which may be copyright.

Send your suggestions or recipes to Shazz.

Everton Toffee

When finished this should be brittle and snap easily - not for sensitive teeth!


  • 12oz - 325g - moist brown suger (not demerara!)
  • 5oz - 125g - butter or margerine
  • 2tblspns syrup - Golden Syrup1 if you can get it
  • 3tblspns water


  1. Put all the ingredients into a pan with a strong bottom. Heat gently until all the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Bring to the boil and, if you are lucky enough to have a sugar thermometer, boil until the mixture reaches a temperature of 290F - 140C. If no thermometer is available then test the toffee by dropping a little mixture into cold water. If it snaps and breaks easily when cold, it is ready.
  3. Pour into a greased or lined tin and mark into squares as soon as it has cooled sufficiently. When completely cold, break into pieces and either wrap individually in greaseproof (wax) paper or dust with icing or confectioners sugar. Store in an airtight tin.

Treacle Toffee

If not boiled for too long, this toffee should be slightly softer than Everton toffee.


  • 1lb - 425g - moist brown sugar - dark brown is the best
  • 6oz - 175g - dark treacle or molasses
  • 2oz - 50g - butter or margerine
  • ¼pint - 150ml - water
  • Juice of 1 lemon


  1. Dissolve the sugar in the water over a low heat then add the treacle and fat.
  2. Bring to the boil and bring up to 300F - 150C; with no thermometer this takes approximately 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from the heat and add the lemon juice. Pour into a greased or lined tin and, as before, mark into squares as soon as it has cooled sufficiently. Store as for the Everton version.

Toffee Apples

These will not last and should be made on the day they are required.


  • 1lb - 425g - sugar
  • 2-4oz - 50-100g - butter or margerine (optional)
  • ¼pint - 150ml - water
  • A few drops of lemon juice
  • A pinch of cream of tartar or 1tblspn glucose
  • Apples
  • Candy floss sticks or sweetcorn skewers


  1. Place the sugar and water into a strong, deep pan - if too shallow you will have trouble dipping the apples.
  2. Heat slowly until all the sugar has dissolved then add the fat and cream of tartar.
  3. Bring to boiling point and boil for about 10 minutes. Add the lemon juice.
  4. Meanwhile peel the apples - they can also be cored but may fall apart! Alternatively cut into quarters.
  5. Skewer each apple or piece of apple and dip into the toffee. Lift out, twist to remove drips and place on greaseproof/wax paper until set. For an extra treat sprinkle with hundreds and thousands, chocolate strands or any of the other confectioners treats now readily available.


All the above recipes retain their heat for quite some time after cooking. Do not attempt to sample them until sure they have cooled and take great care when making the mixtures. If some falls on your skin plunge it immediately into cold water until able to peel the toffee off safely!!!

smiley - rose Enjoy

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17.10.02 Front Page

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1Light corn syrup.

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